Tough General, Bad Approach

Our new Chief of Defence Staff doesn't get terrorism, or Canadians. By Rikia Saddy, 20 Jul 2005, In a press conference last week, our new Chief of the Defence Staff for Canada, General Rick Hillier, came out swinging. Announcing our new mission in Afghanistan, he called the enemy "detestable murderers and scumbags...they detest our freedoms, they detest our society, they detest our liberties." Asserting that we are already a target of the terrorists, "as much


The following is an excerpt from the book We Are Canada, recently released through Raincoast Books. Once upon a time, there was a country. Her name was Canada. She was cold — very, very cold — but she had a fire in her belly. For most of history, she was covered in ice. What wasn’t covered in ice was filled with forest. And that’s how she rolled, back and forth, ice age to forest to